If you wish to relocate with a child to outside of Massachusetts or New Hampshire or have objections to a pending removal action, you should obtain legal representation as soon as the issue arises. Child relocation and removal cases are often some of the most emotional and hard-fought family law disputes because of the devastating impact many people feel distance can sometimes create.
At Gallant & Ervin, L.L.C., we know that while it may be possible to negotiate a fair and workable solution regarding an out-of-state removal arrangement, these cases often end up in court. We apply our tenacious and zealous approach to each family law issue we help our clients with because we know how important these situations are to your family and your future.
Contact our Burlington out-of-state removal lawyers today for a free consultation by calling 978-256-604.
Helping Negotiate Minor Child Custody Modifications for Out-of-State Removal Situations
If you have child custody or visitation rights and you learn that the other parent is planning to relocate with your child without your permission, we can go to court to seek an order to prevent the relocation of your child pending a court decision or settlement. We can also help you petition for an out-of-state removal to be granted by showing sufficient grounds such as a new job opportunity and that the move would be in the best interest of the child.
However, before recommending litigation, we will carefully review the factual and legal issues relevant to your situation and we will discuss them in detail with you. For instance, in some cases, it may be possible to negotiate mutually acceptable child custody and visitation solutions. These approaches often involve providing the non-relocating parent with additional parenting time or adjusting alimony payments to accommodate for travel to see the children. Our attorneys will thoroughly discuss these possibilities with you before formulating a negotiation strategy and presenting it to opposing counsel.
Representing Parents Who Need to Litigate Child Removal, Move-Away and Out-of-State Relocation Issues
If litigation is inevitable, our relocation attorneys will work diligently to build a strong and successful case for you. We will work diligently to protect your rights at all stages of the legal process. Our firm will represent you with skill and determination.