Marital property division can be difficult and easily prolonged, causing your assets to be squandered in the process. To avoid this and reach the best possible outcome for you and your spouse, the attorneys at the law firm of Gallant & Ervin, L.L.C., advise negotiation and mediation when possible.

Contact our Burlington property division attorneys today. Our primary goal is to assist you in reaching the most equitable solution that will help you move forward with the next chapter of your life, whether that is in negotiation or at trial, if necessary.

New England Divorce Attorneys

Both Massachusetts and New Hampshire are equitable division states. That means that marital property division is just and fair. What is considered fair and just to both parties is not necessarily always a 50/50 split — sometimes the circumstances of the marriage dictate what would normally be considered an unequal division.

Our divorce attorneys assist with the broad spectrum of issues arising in marital property division, including:

  • Determination of whether property is considered separate or marital property
  • Division of marital assets such as residences, retirement accounts, investments and other assets and property
  • Business valuation and division, while finding a way to continue operation of the business, if possible
  • Uncovering hidden assets

Negotiation and mediation of asset division provides you and your spouse the opportunity to control how your marital assets are divided, rather than leaving this determination in the hands of a judge who cannot know or understand the unique aspects of your marital life. When you are unable to reach an agreement, however, we represent your best interests in court — our goal is to protect your rights as you start the next chapter of your life.

We can also assist you with all other family law and divorce matters.

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