Your company’s reputation in the marketplace is symbolized by your trademarks. At the law firm of Gallant & Ervin, L.L.C., we’ll help protect your trademarks. We provide trademark solutions for individuals, businesses and entertainers throughout the United States and abroad.

Our lawyers can:

  • Assist you in determining if trademark protection is an option
  • If your trademark is already registered, look into protection under other trademark categories
  • If someone is infringing upon your trademark, stop the unauthorized use and recover monetary damages
  • Conduct investigations in retail stores and on the Internet for unauthorized trademark use

Our attorneys are known for their aggressive enforcement of trademarks and other intellectual property. Our firm protects the trademarks for a wide array of trademark holders including recording artists and entertainers, high-tech companies, small manufacturers and Fortune 500 companies.

Stopping Trademark Infringement, Serving Clients Nationwide

Many intellectual property attorneys defend trademarks from behind a desk by writing “cease and desist” letters or with the conventional simple filing of lawsuits. Our lawyers take a more aggressive approach.

Our lawyers have participated in a multitude of raids of retail locations, factories and warehouses throughout the United States, accompanied by U.S. marshals, other law enforcement officials and in some cases our clients themselves. Rather than allowing infringers to play a shell game with the evidence of pirated or counterfeit merchandise, our attorneys file ex parte motions to seize the evidence including merchandise, computer records, elements of manufacture and financial records before the infringer knows of or is aware of the litigation. With overwhelming evidence of trademark infringement in hand, our lawyers have successfully resolved infringements matters quickly, efficiently and most importantly, cost effectively for our clients.

Our aggressive approach to trademark infringement matters oftentimes prevents intellectual property litigation from becoming a financial drain for our clients, and we have a history of turning protection of rights into an additional profit center for clients. We have been entrusted with protecting and enforcing the trademarks of national and international celebrities and entertainers. We have the expertise and experience necessary to represent you in any trademark matter.

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